The content on this website hasn't been updated in a while and is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind. It is mostly kept up for archival purposes.
The content on this website hasn't been updated in a while and is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind. It is mostly kept up for archival purposes.
The MaxLock Website is a contributed work by Shahmi Saidi alias TechnoSparks for the developer behind the MaxLock Xposed Module, Max Rumpf alias Maxr1998.
It is created with the objectives to make sure the users of MaxLock to learn more about the app without the need of asking in the xda-developers thread. Secondly, to prevent fragmentation of different ideas and tips that users have made to make more use of MaxLock.
Third, to give a sense of proper documentation towards the users of MaxLock.
Lastly, as a “thank you” gift for the wonderful app that helps people to secure their apps.
Visit various links at the homepage.
The MaxLock Website however, unlike the MaxLock app, is not an open-source product. This is to prevent any groups of people from vandalising the website through illegal means.
MaxLock, made by Maxr1998, is a continuation of the MinMinLock module developed by FatMinMin. All original credits belong to him!